An Analysis of The Station Nightclub Fire

Credit Hours:  4
Approximate reading time: 2.5 Hours
Approximate online time: 1.5 Hours

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Disclaimer- NFPA and other resource editions cited within the CFITrainer.Net site were current as of the release of the respective modules. The field of fire investigation and its guiding documents are constantly evolving and it is incumbent upon the fire investigator to remain up to date with the guidance in the current editions of the documents referenced in all modules on CFITrainer.Net, regardless of which edition was used in the writing of the module.
Program Abstract

A band that was performing that night, during its performance, used pyrotechnics that ignited foam insulation lining the walls and ceiling of the platform being used as a stage. The fire spread quickly along the walls and ceiling area over the dance floor. Smoke was visible in the exit doorways in a little more than one minute, and flames were observed breaking through a portion of the roof in less than five minutes. Egress from the nightclub was hampered by crowding at the main entrance to the building. One hundred people lost their lives in the fire.

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