Basic Electricity

Credit Hours:  4
Approximate reading time: 3 Hours
Approximate online time: 1 Hour

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Disclaimer- NFPA and other resource editions cited within the CFITrainer.Net site were current as of the release of the respective modules. The field of fire investigation and its guiding documents are constantly evolving and it is incumbent upon the fire investigator to remain up to date with the guidance in the current editions of the documents referenced in all modules on CFITrainer.Net, regardless of which edition was used in the writing of the module.
Program Abstract

This module introduces basic electrical concepts, including: terminology, atomic theory and electricity, Ohm's Law, Joule's Law, AC and DC power. The important relationship between resistance, current, and heat is fundamental to understanding how electricity can be a competent fire ignition source. Electricity can cause fires in many ways. A knowledge of basic electricity is essential to successfully investigate potential electrical ignition sources at a fire scene, test hypotheses involving electrical ignition sources, form a conclusion supported by evidence, and competently present methodology and conclusions in legal proceedings. This module provides the foundation of that basic electrical knowledge.

This module is part 1 in a progression providing basic electrical investigation foundational material that addresses the requirement in NFPA 1033 (2022 Edition) that fire investigators possess post-secondary knowledge on electricity and electrical systems. It is recommended that the fire investigator take this progression in the following order:

  1. Basic Electricity
  2. Residential Electrical
  3. Electrical Safety
  4. Arc Mapping

The electrical modules presented on CFITrainer.Net are not intended as a comprehensive education on the topic of electricity and/or electrical examination of a fire scene. Although many scientific concepts are presented in the modules, these concepts are a basic introduction only and additional information, training, and education may be required to fully understand these topics and competently evaluate electrical systems and equipment as potential fire ignition sources. Therefore, completion of the electrical modules available on CFITrainer.Net does not qualify you to electrically examine a fire scene.

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