Lightning Fire Cause Investigation
Credit Hours:
Approximate reading time:
0.5 Hours
Approximate online time:
0.5 Hours

Program Abstract
Evaluating a fire origin and cause hypothesis that includes lightning has many dimensions to consider. This module details the major elements to consider in that analysis, beginning with how to know when to consider lightning, how to document your evaluation, where to access lightning strike information, and the basic process for evaluating lightning as a potential fire cause. The module then discusses how lightning affects two critical building systems: gas and electrical. For each (gas and electrical), the module details the effects of lightning on that system, common failure modes, and typical indicators of lightning involvement. Special attention is paid to corrugated stainless steel tubing (CSST), its properties, its use in residences, how lightning damages it, and where and what to look for in CSST as evidence of lightning damage. The module also describes how lightning can directly ignite building materials and other combustibles and how that may be observed.
CFITrainer.Net recommends taking this module after the “Lightning Fundamentals” module.