We Have Lost a Giant in Fire Science and Fire Behavior

CFITrainer.Net sadly acknowledges the passing of Dr. James Quintiere in December 2024. He was one of the leaders of a great revolution in fire science and fire behavior research that forever changed fire safety, prevention, suppression, and investigation. His credentials and achievements were so extensive as to defy a comprehensive listing, but the highlights included pioneering research in compartment fire behavior and fire growth, eighteen years at NIST, a long career on the faculty of the University of Maryland’s Department of Fire Protection Engineering, and more than 140 journal articles and three books in the fire investigation canon (most notably the seminal Principles of Fire Behavior).

Dr. JamesQuintiere

Dr. Quintiere was a Fellow of the Society of Fire Protection Engineering and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. He won numerous professional awards for his work and taught fire science all over the world. For CFITrainer.Net, Dr. Quintiere delivered one of our foundational fire science and flame behavior modules with his teaching of Faraday’s work in “Understanding Fire Through the Candle Experiments” and was a subject matter expert on other modules. His support was instrumental in establishing CFITrainer.Net. Everyone in fire investigation was influenced, directly or indirectly, by Dr. Quintiere’s work. He was, as they say, “an original,” someone you never forgot even if you met only once. His curiosity, enthusiasm, and passion for fire science and scientific inquiry was infectious. Thanks, Dr. Q., for everything you gave to fire investigation.

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