On Sunday, June 30 we were all saddened to learn of the Hot Shot crew killed while fighting a wildfire in Yarnell, Arizona. For those unfamiliar, 19 firefighters were killed when an apparent wind shift cut off their escape route and allowed the fire to overcome their position.
The IAAI wants the State of Arizona, the Arizona Chapter and all the friends and family of those brave firefighters to know that we stand behind them in thoughts and prayer. Chief Ron Siarnicki, Executive Director of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation, issued a statement saying, "This tragedy has shaken a community and saddened our nation. We want the survivors and co-workers of those firefighters to know that the entire fire service family is thinking of them at this time. We also want to reassure them that the Foundation will be at their side ready to offer our support."
The United States Congress created the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation (NFFF) to lead a nationwide effort to remember America's fallen firefighters. Since 1992, the non-profit Foundation has developed and expanded programs to honor fallen fire heroes and assist their families and co-workers. The NFFF also works closely with the U.S. Fire Administration to help prevent and reduce line-of-duty deaths and injuries. For more information on the Foundation and its programs contact them at 301-447-1365 or visit
As strategic partners with the NFFF, the IAAI would like to urge you to help in this tragic event. The families, friends and colleagues of the 19 firefighters who died in Arizona Sunday night will need immediate help and assistance for years to come. Please take a moment to go to the established web site to support this effort.
To Donate to the Yarnell Hill Fallen Firefighters Fund:
Send checks to:
NFFF c/o Yarnell Hill Fallen Firefighters Fund
P.O. Drawer 498
Emmitsburg, MD 21727
By credit card:
All donated funds will be used to help the survivors and co-workers as they begin to rebuild their lives and support the programs and services they will need.
God bless,
Dale R. "Rob" Rush, IAAI-CFI, IAAI-CI
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