Live Event - Investigating a Fire Fatality - 6.17.21 - 1pm EDT
Credit Hours:
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0 Hours
Approximate online time:
0 Hours

Investigating a Fire Fatality; Working with Multiple Agencies for Better Results
This presentation is intended to further knowledge and working relationships with differing agencies that coexist at an incident involving a fire fatality. To help understand roles and responsibilities each agency has so the investigation is conducted professionally and thoroughly.
Learning objectives:
Educate participants on managing the complex fire fatality scene
Describe the role(s) of the death investigator, detective and other supporting personnel at the fire fatality scene
Provide framework for investigating the fire fatality
Enhance interagency working relationships with best practice methods for investigating the fire fatality.
Scott Campau
Scott is from Lansing, MI. After graduating with a BA in Criminal Justice from Michigan State, Scott began a career in the fire service in 2002 with Muskegon (MI) Fire. Scott now works for Salt Lake Fire as an Investigator. Scott is also employed with EFI Global Inc. performing origin and cause investigations. In 2008 Scott began working as a Medical Examiner Investigator; quickly recognizing a passion for death investigation. Mr. Campau’s goal is to combine his experience in both fire and death investigations into becoming a recognized authority in the instruction and investigation of fire fatalities.
Trace Lawless - Moderator