Legal Aspects of Investigating Youth-Set Fires
Credit Hours:
Approximate reading time:
0.5 Hours
Approximate online time:
0.5 Hours

Program Abstract
The fire investigation is a crucial part of the process of determining if a fire is youth-set and identifying the responsible youth so the proper agencies can intervene. The fire investigator plays a pivotal role in this process. If the fire investigator does not conduct the investigation in accordance with the law, there can be serious repercussions for the investigator, his/her agency, the case, and the persons involved, including the youth. By definition, investigations of youth-set fires involve minors and, therefore, there are number of legal issues that arise that the fire investigator may not normally encounter.
This self-paced program covers fundamental legal aspects of investigating youth-set fires, including the juvenile justice system, legalities of interviews and interrogations, arson statutes, search and seizure, and confidentiality.
A second self-paced program in this series covers
Introduction to Youth-Set Fires